Institute of Geophysics
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Add, A8/ 18. Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do, Cau Giay
Tel: 04.37563857, Fax: 04.38364696, Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Main function
Study about the structural geology, Neotectonic, active tectonic and Tectonophysical processes which constructed by a combination of methods of geology, geophysics and seismology. Applied research results for the seismic hazard assessment, determine the tectonic premise for seismic risk, tsunami pontential, earthquakes prediction and minimize the disaster of geohazard such as; landslides, liquefaction, induce - earthquakes.... Implement the research on tectonicphysics domain about lithosphere process for whole of Viet Nam territory and the surrounding area.
Study of the geological condition and tectonic process which provide the scientific criterial for tsunami and earthquake hazard assessment. Study the physical and geological characteristics at the high seismic potential areas for modeling and classification of the seismic source. Develop methods in tectonophysics research and application of a modern method such as; GIS, GPS, SAR ...
Carry out research on earthquake forecasting of seismiciy region based on the general principles of geomorphology, Neotectonic, modern tectonics and method of classification of the Earth’s crust.
Research projects conducted and being conducting
+ Basic project research, Project title: ‘’Identify the velocities profile of earth’s crust for Vietnam and estimating the travel-time group of P wave in order to locate epicenter and their parameters’’, (year 2004-2005)
+ Vietnam-Russian Cooperation on Basic Science and Technology Programme, Project title:’’Deep structure, active Dynamic of Lithosphere and seismicity for Vietnam territory’’, (year 2005).
+ Vietnam-Italy Cooperation on Science and Technology Programme, Project title: ‘’Establishing appropriate approaches to increase Tsunami preparedness in Vietnam’’ (year 2006-2008).
+ Institute of Geophysics, VAST - International Friendship University Moscowa Cooperation, Project title: ‘’ Seismotectonic zoning for Vietnam territory’’, (year 2009).
+ Vietnam-Russian Cooperation on Basic Science and Technology Programme, Project title: ‘’Evaluate the seismic potential in Vietnamese territory by a combination of geological-geophysical and seismic data’’ (year 2008-2011).
+ Vietnam Academy of Science and Techology Project Research, Project title: ‘’Develop the program for earthquakes prediction by a combination of tectonic physical methods and statistical models, applicable forecasts for Vietnam's territory and the surrounding area’’ (year 2011-2012).
+ Vietnam-Russian Cooperation on Basic Science and Technology Programme, Project title: ‘’ Study of the crustal velocity model of Vietnam and North Caucasus region of Russia in order to construct the crustal velocity model consistent with the actual environment of Vietnam’’(year 2012-2013).
+ The project research of Tuyen Quang Province, Project title ‘’Seismicity research and the process of subsidence, landslides in Tuyen Quang city and Industrial zone of Long Binh An’’ (year 2012-2013).
International Cooperation
+ Physics of the Earth (IFZ), Rusian Academy of Sciences (RAS),
+ International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theoretical and Mathematical Geophysics (IIEPT), Rusian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
+ Earth System Physics (ESP), International Centre for Theory Physics - Abdus Salam (ICTP
Staff members
1. Nguyen Huu Tuyen (Dr, Maneger of Department) 1994-1998: Bacholor in geology at Hanoi, National University 2003-2005: Master of Science in Geotectonics at Hanoi, National University 2007-2012: PhD in Geotectonics at Hanoi, National University. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
2. Ngo Thi Lu (Dr.Sc, Super researcher) 1973-1979: Engineer in Geophysics at Hanoi University of Geology and Mining 1990- PhD at Physics of the Earth, Rusian Academy of Sciences (Mojor in Geophysics and Mathematic) 1999- PhD Science at Physics of the Earth, Rusian Academy of Sciences Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
3. Phung Thi Thu Hang (Msc) 1999-2004: Engineer in Geology at Hanoi University of Geology and Mining 2009-2012: Master of Science in Geotectonics at Hanoi, National University Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
4. Tran Viet Phuong (Msc) 2003-2008: Bacholor in Geophysics at Hanoi, National University 2010-2012: Master of Science in Geophysics at Hanoi, National University Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
5. Le Thi Thuan (Bs) 1998-2011: Bacholor in Geophysics at Hanoi, National University 2012- now: Master of Science in Geophysics at Hanoi, National University Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
6. Ngo Gia Thang (Dr, Senior, Co-researcher) 1973- Engineer in Geology of Russian University 1985- Msc in Geodynamic from France 1995- PhD in Geotectonic,Hanoi University of Geology and Mining E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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